Sponsor Us

Help Us Strengthen Our Local Food System

By Becoming a Sponsor Today


Join hands with Feast Down East in our drive to strengthen local agriculture and nourish communities. Your sponsorship is vital in bridging the gap caused by our recent funding loss. As a sponsor, you'll play a key role in sustaining our programs like the Mobile Market and Food Hub, directly impacting the lives of local farmers and those facing food insecurity. Discover the various sponsorship opportunities and how your organization can make a lasting difference.

View our Sponsorship Proposal by clicking the link below.

Our 2023 Impact Report

View the Impact We Made on Our Local Community

As a sponsor or donor, you play a critical role in sustaining our programs like our Local Motive Market and Food Hub, directly impacting the lives of local farmers and those facing food insecurity. Make an impact in 2024!

View our Impcat Report by clicking the link below.

Ways To Donate

Direct Donation: Make a tax-deductible donation of any amount directly to Feast Down East. Every dollar helps us sustain and expand our programs.

Donate while you shop: You can also support us while shopping through various partner programs, turning a portion of your purchase into a donation without any extra cost to you.

Corporate Sponsorship: Does your company align with our goals? Become a corporate sponsor and join us in nurturing our local food system and supporting our community.

Gifts in Kind: We appreciate non-monetary contributions as well! Gifts of goods or services can be immensely helpful in our operations.

Legacy Giving: Consider Feast Down East in your estate planning and leave a legacy that supports local agriculture and food security in Southeastern North Carolina.

Join Our Mission

Join us in nourishing our community and supporting local farmers. Your generous donation makes a big difference in strengthening our local food system. Be part of the change, donate today!